Art Inspiration is a series that features talented artists who create incredible works of art on a daily basis. It recognizes the inspirations that drive them to make eye-catching and heart-warming masterpieces.
To kick-off this series is a friend I just met at an Instameet organized by ILuvCebu. Dolly Pontillas has garnered over 29K Instagram followers for her impressive quirky artwork after a series of social mentions on famous art pages. Spending four years persistently creating her signature “tomatocheeks” sketches, it is no wonder she’s kinda big deal on Instagram’s art scene.
Name: Dolly Pontillas
Age: 23
Profession/Specialization: I create art, sew clothes, and play music for a living
Years of experience: 4 years
School: fashion design graduate of FIDA
1. Tell me about you and your art:
I draw portraits of people and make them look like padme amidala from Star Wars, which i call- “tomatocheeks”. :)))
2. When and how did your artistic journey start?
I think when i was four or five. when i learned how to hold a pencil and scribble on paper.
3. What/who keeps you inspired?
Anything weird, and witty.
4. Life mantra
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” — Philippians 4:13
5. What is a usual day for you?
Paints while im still in my pyjamas. always trying not to dip my paintbrush into my cup of milo. it needs to stop. lol
6. Describe your creative space
7. Tell us something we don’t know about you.
My birth name is actually ‘Lea Faye Pontillas’ . You’ve been calling me by my nickname the whole time. hahaha LOL
8. Is there any other creative pursuit you wish to pursue?
A TATTOO ARTIST OMG or maybe publish my own colouring book for adults. hahaha
9. What advice can you give to aspiring artists?
• Never compare your artworks to other artists’ works. Don’t get discouraged, get inspiration from them instead.
• Be patient. It takes time to develop your own art style.
• Be proud of your art, but never stop learning and creating.
Follow Dolly on Instagram @pontiyass